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Welcome to my seekers site for

Expert Lenormand and Tarot Readings

Dream Projection and Consultation


Channeled Readings of The Human Sports Car

Have you never had a reading?
I will tell you what your therapist can’t and your friends won’t. And, no, you won’t go to hell.

When you need more perspective, a perceptive reading might be what’s called for. I offer channeled Lenormand and Tarot readings for insight on complex issues, or just to clarify what you already know. I understand there are things you’re not going to ask your therapist or even your best friend about. You can totally feel safe asking me.

Your dreams are trying hard to get your attention.
Are you listening?

Like a child tugging on your sleeve, your dreams are bugging you for a reason. I am certified in three distinct dream disciplines to best help you make peace with the dreams you have. Are your dreams freaking you out? I can help!

“OMG! Where do I start? Marcella is beyond words…and worlds! Her gifts, the depth and insight, the way she connects is absolutely amazing. When I booked my reading, I was excited however, I truly had no idea what an incredible experience I would have. Marcella was spot on about details and specifics. My experience was so much more than a “reading”-it was communicated from Source. I highly reccomend getting on Marcella’s calendar as soon as you can.”

-Terri Wilber, President, Ascent Training

“Marcella is a truly gifted intuitive and card reader. Her private sessions are a bridge between the seen and unseen, providing a unique opportunity to transform illusion.”

-Shanti Medina, International shamanic ceremonialist

“Make room for Metaphor!”

Sometimes a good mystical conversation is all you need.